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Photo of Professionals at Law Office of Rebecca L. Evans

Take Control Of Future Medical Decisions With An Advance Medical Directive

No one likes to think about becoming too ill or injured to make decisions for themselves. Despite one’s desire to not think about such unpleasant prospects, this situation becomes a reality for many — for example, those who suffer a debilitating stroke, are injured in serious car accidents or fall victim to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Unexpected tragedies and the onset of old age are just a few of the reasons why it’s important for everyone to plan ahead and memorialize how they’d like to be treated medically should they be unable to make such decisions for themselves.

At the Law Office of Rebecca L. Evans, our estate planning attorneys understand that it’s hard to think about these things. However, we have the experience, knowledge and desire to walk you through these tough decisions in advance so both you and your family are taken care of. We are here to serve you and always have your best interest in mind. With over 30 years of experience, you can trust us to give you honest, practical legal advice that’s tailored to your situation and designed to produce the results you desire.

Make Sure You’re Treated The Way You Want To Be Treated

An advance medical directive is a legal document that names the person you want to make medical decisions for you in the event you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself. This document provides safeguards for you, such as making it necessary for multiple doctors to determine you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself before your agent can step in to decide what course of action to pursue. Your agent is also required to follow any desires or medical procedures that you have laid out in your advance medical directive.

One such decision you can make in your advance medical directive is whether or not you would want life-sustaining treatment that is artificially keeping you alive, such as life support, if it has been determined that your death is inevitable and that without such life-sustaining treatment you would pass shortly.

Planning Ahead Will Make Things Easier On Loved Ones

It is difficult to think about these types of situations. However, it is important for both you and your family that you lay out your desires and the name of your agent so you have a course of action set out to help your family capably deal with a stressful situation involving your incapacity from an illness or accident. With an advance medical directive in place, your family will not have to argue with one another over big medical decisions and they won’t have to wonder about what you would have wanted.

Learn More About How We Can Help In A Free Consultation

Please contact our office online, or call 703-278-2028 today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to answering your questions about advance medical directives, as well as discussing your estate plan as a whole to ensure it protects you, your assets and your family. From our office in Springfield, we help people throughout Northern Virginia.