If you have never heard the term “gray bankruptcy” before, it refers to bankruptcies by people over the age of 65. Unfortunately, this is an ever increasing American phenomenon, and if you are in this age group, you likely understand exactly why it happens. According...
Personal Bankruptcy
How can you rebuild your credit after bankruptcy?
After the finalization of your bankruptcy, your credit score drops. If you are like most people, you probably worry about how you can build your credit again. Your lowered credit score does not last forever. The Huffington Post describes steps you can follow to...
Get breathing room from debt collectors with an automatic stay
Medical expenses and overwhelming credit card debt can paint Virginia residents into a financial corner. If you feel you have few options, bankruptcy can help you get your finances under control and move forward with the rest of your life. According to the Virginia...
What property can you keep in Virginia bankruptcy?
If you file for bankruptcy in Virginia, you can keep certain personal property. State law outlines bankruptcy exemptions that include a portion of home equity and other items. Review the rules about what assets you can retain in a Virginia bankruptcy filing to help...
One key question to ask yourself as you consider bankruptcy
If you are at a place in your life when you are researching bankruptcy, wading through information about whether you qualify for the process and how to start it can be overwhelming. As you think about your options, answering one critical question can help you make...
Are you dealing with debt collector harassment?
You deserve to know your options when facing debt collector harassment. Under law, harassing behavior by a debt collector is illegal. You can take action to protect yourself, your assets and your loved ones. But how do you identify debt collector harassment in the...
3 tips on dealing with the stress of debt
Most adults in the United States find that finances cause significant stress in their lives. You might feel overwhelmed about the future if you find yourself struggling with debt or facing the possibility of bankruptcy. Do not lose all hope. You can follow a few tips...
The health advantages of filing for bankruptcy
When it comes to the bankruptcy process, many people recognize the financial advantages of eliminating debt. However, it is also important to think about some of the health-related benefits of getting rid of excessive debt. In fact, many people experience positive...
Understanding bankruptcy exemptions
Many residents of Northern Virginia avoid filing a petition for bankruptcy because they are afraid that the court will seize all of their assets, including their home. This belief greatly overstates the power of the bankruptcy court and distorts the exact working of...
Personal bankruptcy: honest answers to frequently asked questions
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a big step. It is not something you should do lightly before getting all the facts. Which form of personal bankruptcy is right for you? What is the process like, and what long-term effects should you expect?...