Life insurance policies significantly influence the probate process by affecting the speed and complexity of settling an estate. Beneficiaries and executors can navigate the system more efficiently by understanding these policies’ interactions with probate. Probate...
How does the probate process address the debts of the deceased?
When a loved one passes away, their financial obligations do not automatically disappear. The probate process manages and settles any outstanding debts and liabilities left behind. Understanding how probate works with these debts helps families navigate this...
Are there benefits to choosing family as an estate executor?
Estate planning involves many important decisions. One of the most crucial is selecting an executor. This person will be responsible for carrying out the directions in your will, settling any debts and distributing your assets. But is choosing a family member as your...
Three tips to properly manage assets as an executor
If you become an estate executor for a deceased loved one, you will probably find that probate will be an emotional and stressful time for you. As part of your duties, you must oversee the property and assets of your relative. This may feel like an overwhelming task,...
How can probate lead to stress?
Probate, a legal process to validate a dead person's will, can bring along a tough time for those left behind. The issues involved with this process often seem overwhelming to people. There are many ways the probate process can inadvertently become a source of...
How can you reduce arguments among beneficiaries during probate?
Probate, the legal process of giving away a dead person's assets, may lead to challenges for beneficiaries. Arguments often arise, creating tension among family members. However, it is possible to reduce conflicts during this difficult period. Clear communication...
4 ways to simplify the probate process for loved ones
Losing a loved one is undoubtedly a difficult experience, and navigating the probate process that follows can add an extra layer of stress. However, there are practical steps one can take during their lifetime to help ease the burden on their family when the time...
Do I have the right to contest a will?
Virginia does not have a probate court system. All probate matters go through circuit courts, according to the Virginia Court Clerks' Association. Despite this difference in the state, there is still the right to contest a will once it is in probate. Contesting a will...
Understanding the probate process
When someone dies in Virginia, probate refers to proving the validity of the decedent's will. Once the court validates it, formal administration refers to the appointment of an executor, management of the estate and transfer of assets to the beneficiaries. The...
What happens during probate?
Under Virginia law, assets go through probate if the deceased had assets in his or her sole name without a beneficiary form filled out or joint ownership at his or her death. Virginia does allow a limited probate process if the only asset is real estate or if the...